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$ cat /etc/motd

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The best idea is anonymous.
-Tanoy Bose

$ whois HOST

% IANA WHOIS server
% for more information on IANA, visit http://www.iana.org
% This query returned 1 object

Name: Tanoy Bose
Handle: n0tty, kalki_108
Freenode IRC Nick: n0tty, Bose
Freenode IRC Channel: ##hiya, #vulnhub
Profession: Security Researcher and Consultant
Certifications: Distinctions in Cryptography 1 (Stanford University - Coursera), Python Programming Fundamentals (Coursera),
                CyberArk Professional Partner (Till now have done only free certifications, going to do others soon =D )
CTF Win - InCTF 2014 (Team: The Flying Dutchman, 1st place)
CTF Finals - Nullcon HackIM (EMC Defender's league) 2014, Nullcon HackIM (EMC Defender's League) 2015
Hall of Fames - 9
CVE - 1
Other Interests - Guitar, Music.


$ sudo /usr/bin/recommendations

Last few days were nightmare, as in my career spanning 30 years in stock market, I was faced with a grim situation, wherein my computer faced a 
massive virus attack called "Ransomware" which encrypted all my server data/files and left me immobilised. The hacker left note on my computer 
with a demand for non-negotiable ransom in the form of Bit Coin for undoing it and with a strict deadline running in hours. We were on the verge 
of acceding to his illegal ransom and preparing ourselves for compromised data, when incidentally I came across Mr. Tanoy Bose, working with E&Y, 
who casually mentioned that he would look at the issue before committing solution. He ran few initial tests on my computer and after few hours he 
concluded that the encrypted data can be decrypted, as the hacker has used codes which could be cracked with certain procedures. He ran several 
processes on my computer and by midnight all affected files were decrypted completely.

I strongly recommend Mr. Tanoy Bose, who is young aged 23, a definite computer whiz-kid and who has a very bright future in cyber security. 
I wish him all the best for his career. His devotion for getting our cyber world free of virus is unparalleled and feel that he should be entrusted 
with greater responsibility in his existing organisation.

- Sunil Hurkat
Managing Director,
Omega Securities and Trading Co Pvt Ltd